*Cherokee County, North Carolina, in the north west corner of the state. It contains 1,000 square miles. The land on the streams is of an excellent quality, producing Indian corn, wheat, rye, oats, common and sweet potatoes, abundantly. Back from the streams, the land is mountainous, producing grass from 2 to 6 feet high. White, blue, and flesh colored marble is found; also iron ore of an excellent quality. It has some valuable gold mines, and lead and silver in small quantities. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,827, sheep 2,163, swine 12,235; wheat 2,760 bushels produced, rye 1,203, Indian corn 167,167, oats 12,787; 16 stores, capital $39,759; value of gold produced $1,075; 1 tannery, 9 distilleries, 16 grist mills, 4 saw mills. Capital in manufactures $5,120. 2 schools 30 scholars. Population 1840, whites 3,205, slaves 199, free colored 23; total, 3,427.
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Genealogy Village and Access Genealogy North Carolina Indian Tribes North Carolina's National Register of Historic Places North Carolina Newspaper Digitization Project
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