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Tate County Mississippi

Tatumsville73 The little village of Tatumsville, located two miles west and one-half a mile north of Senatobia, was founded by Herbert Tatum. It probably had a total population of not more than seventy-five or one hundred at the time of its greatest prosperity. It had a blacksmith shop, a cabinetmaker's shop, and a saddler's shop. Among the citizens of this place were Dr. John T. Atkinson, Jack Browder, and Col. Wm. Ferney. At this place Herbert Tate shot and killed Dr. Woodard.

The cemetery at this place is "one of the oldest and most neglected in the county." Mr. French says that from the center of some of the graves trees are growing with a diameter of eighteen to thirty inches, and that from the center of other graves clusters of trees, half a dozen or more in number, are found with a diameter of six to eighteen inches. He also says that many hundred dollars' worth of marble monuments and substantial iron railing, and gates that once adorned this beautiful cemetery now stand in the native forest, which has grown up since the decay of the village.

The decay of Tatumsville was caused by the building of the Mississippi and Tennessee railroad. When this road was completed to Senatobia a great barbecue was given on the Fourth of July, 1855. This latter place absorbed the population of Tatumsville, Tatum being the first man to move. Others soon followed, moving not only goods, but buildings. In 1857 the last firm. Ward & Williams, moved its stock of goods and its house, thus hopelessly breaking up old Tatumsville. The church and Masonic lodge were moved to Senatobia soon after the War Between the States.

Tatesville Tatumsville had a formidable rival in another village, Tatesville, which is also extinct. This latter village was situated two miles west and one and one-half miles north of Senatobia. It was founded by the Hon. Thos. Simpson Tate, a State Senator (1872-'4), for whom the county was named. Like his competitor, Herbert Tatum, Mr. Tate did a general mercantile business. His brother-in-law, John Arnold, was later associated with him in his business under the firm name of Tate & Arnold. At this place George B. Woollard had a cabinetmaker's shop and a blacksmith shop, and James Barber had a saddlery and harness shop. Mr. James M. Williams, of Senatobia, is the only person living in Tate County who was a resident of old Tatesville. The total population at the time of its greatest prosperity was not over seventy-five or a hundred.

The decay of this place was produced by the same cause as that which brought ruin to its rival. The sites of both of these are now swallowed up in large farms.

Extinct Towns| AHGP Mississippi

73. This sketch is based upon information derived from Mr. W. A. French, of Senatobia, Mississippi.

Source: The Mississippi Historical Commission Publications, Volume V, Edited by Franklin L. Riley,
Secretary, 1902.


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