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Pontotoc County Mississippi

Victoria64 The date of the establishment of Victoria has not been ascertained by the writer. It was situated about one and one-half miles northwest of the present town of Pontotoc. The site of this place is for the most part in old fields. About the only remains of the town are a few old wells and rock chimneys, which are still to be seen.

Some of the most prominent citizens of Victoria were "Squire" Watt, Barnard Franklin, Jno. W. Thompson (at that time a teacher, but afterwards a prominent lawyer), Aaron Roote, Benjamin D. Anderson, and James Hodges. At the time of its greatest prosperity the place probably contained three hundred inhabitants.

In writing of this place Mr. Anderson says:

"As to the enterprises existing there, I cannot remember definitely and do not know any living man who could give the desired information."

About the year 1834 McMackin, the celebrated hotel keeper, who had formerly kept a hostelry where the Pontotoc land office was first established, came into possession of the present site of the town of Pontotoc. At that time he laid off a town and, being a very influential citizen, moved the old town of Pontotoc to its present site, which was so much better located than the town of Victoria that the latter place was abandoned.

Extinct Towns| AHGP Mississippi

64. The facts relating to the history of Victoria were kindly furnished the writer by Mr. B. D. Anderson, of Pontotoc, Mississippi.

Source: The Mississippi Historical Commission Publications, Volume V, Edited by Franklin L. Riley,
Secretary, 1902.


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