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Noxubee County Mississippi

Boundstown59 Sometime in the early 30's Mr. Jesse Bounds settled in the southeastern part of Noxubee County on the Noxubee River. Others soon joined him and the settlement grew into a country village. It was named Boundstown in honor of the first settler, though it was familiarly called "Bouncetown." Mr. Bounds soon moved into the lower part of Kemper county. The town had an uncertain existence for only a few years. In writing of this place Miss Welsh says: "It was never noted for anything except rowdyism, and that will not look well on record. The only citizen whose name I recall was a Mr. Stevens, familiarly called 'Uncle Billy.' Its death may be attributed to the fact that there was no necessity for its existence, especially as it was soon overwhelmed by a neighboring town, Brooklyn."

Brooklyn Acting on a firm belief that Noxubee River would prove to be navigable for steamboats, the Loomis Brothers removed their business from Wahalak in Kemper County to a place on that stream, three or four miles south of Boundstown, and eight miles east of the present town of Shuqualak. At this new site they projected a town, which they called Brooklyn. Another merchant, Hinzey Walker, also engaged in business at this place. In a few years the Loomis Brothers sustained a heavy loss by fire. The hope that the Noxubee would prove navigable for steamboats having been dispelled in the meantime by actual experiment, the original projectors of this village returned to their homes in the North. The town, after a struggling existence, perhaps down to the outbreak of the War Between the States, finally died.

Extinct Towns| AHGP Mississippi

59. The writer acknowledges with pleasure the valuable information he has received from Miss Mary J. Welsh, of Shuqualak, Mississippi, on the extinct towns along the Noxubee River.

Source: The Mississippi Historical Commission Publications, Volume V, Edited by Franklin L. Riley,
Secretary, 1902.


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