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Lauderdale County Mississippi

Marion49 Marion was the county seat of Lauderdale from its organization until the close of the War between the States. It was, of course, an inland town, though perhaps for years the largest in the eastern part of the State, south of Macon. All that now marks the site is the debris of a fallen chimney, six miles northeast of Meridian. The Mobile and Ohio railroad left it to the east two miles, a station being established opposite called by its name. Soon after the surrender, by a vote of the people, the court house was moved to Marion Station. Later the Legislature made Meridian the county seat. In 1848 Marion was a town of considerable importance; Lauderdale Springs was then a popular watering place and brought it some trade. Gen. W. S. Patton kept the hotel in 1860. None of the old citizens are living now, and there are only a few who lived in the county at that time. Any incidents reported since the war relate to Marion Station, which became simply Marion after the abandonment of Old Marion.

Alamutcha The old town of Alamutcha (Old Town), has existed only in name for many years. It was originally, it appears, an Indian village. Half a century ago, it was but a landmark, and since the building of the railroads, has almost passed out of memory. Kewanee is the nearest point to the old location.

Daleville The old town of Daleville still exists as Lizelia, with two stores at its old location, about ten miles northwest of Meridian. Only an old church house was there not many years back and the Cole residence. A few miles further on is Cooper Institute, now known as Daleville, and quite a good settlement has grown up in the immediate vicinity.

Sayerville The old village of Sayerville was not much more than a post office. E. J. Rew, Esq., was the principal citizen, Abram Burwell being a near neighbor. Okatibbee Station, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, is in close proximity to the place.

Chunkeyville The old village of Chunkeyville was absorbed by Chunkey Station on the Vicksburg and Meridian railroad. A few shanties marked the old site several years ago.

Extinct Towns| AHGP Mississippi

49. The information upon which the sketches of the towns of Lauderdale County is based was derived from Mr. L. A. Duncan, of Meridian, Miss.

Source: The Mississippi Historical Commission Publications, Volume V, Edited by Franklin L. Riley,
Secretary, 1902.


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