Part of the American History & Genealogy Project


Welcome to Maryland American History and Genealogy Project we are in the process of building new State pages for the states where the coordinator has moved on to other projects. Maryland is looking for a new State Coordinator would you be interested? If so please contact Webmaster. Many of the present coordinators are always willing to give help and suggestions to newcomers, you can learn, I did and that was after 60!! Read our About Page and see what our requirements are, pretty easy!

Maryland, the most southern of the middle United States, is bounded north by Pennsylvania; east by Delaware and the Atlantic; and south and west by Virginia. It is between 33° and 39° 44' north latitude, and between 75° 10' and 79° 20' west longitude, and between 2° 31' west and 1° 53' east from West It is 196 miles long, and 120 broad, containing 13,959 square miles, or 8,933,760 acres, of which one fifth is water. The Chesapeake Bay runs nearly through the state from south to north, dividing it into two parts, called the Eastern Shore and the Western Shore. Read more...

County Selection Table <All 23 Counties Updated or New>
Origin of Maryland County Names
Maryland County Courthouse Photos in 1901

What's New in Maryland
Gazetteer of Maryland
Peggy Stewart and her Cargo
Principal Dates in the History of Maryland
News from the Maryland and Green's Gazette (little tidbits of news)

Maryland Military
Confederate Soldiers at Hagerstown and Williamsport, 1863<New>
War of 1812

Online Here or Other Sites
Slaves in Maryland
The Baltimore Fire of 1904
Maryland Counties in 1901

Archives<New> Bible Records Biographies<New> Cemeteries
Census Records Church Records Court Records Directories<New>
Land/Maps<New> Mailing Lists Newspapers<New> Indian Tribes
Obituaries Societies/Museums Surnames Vital Records

Sites We Visit
Baltimore Maryland City Directories 1799-1946
What's in a Name

Pages Just for Laughs
Description ~ Revolutionary Officers Uniform<New>
Old Time Lotteries
Remarkable Superstitions<New>

Neighboring States

Pennsylvania ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ ALHN ~ USGenWeb
Delaware ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ ALHN ~ USGenWeb
Virginia ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ ALHN ~ USGenWeb
Washington DC ~ AHGP ~ USGenWeb
West Virginia ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ ALHN ~ USGenWeb


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