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Most of these state logos were created by Ginger Cisewski. We thank Ginger for the beautiful work she has done with these logos. Hopefully we can start providing additional logos as time goes on. If you don't want to use these logos, you're welcome to make your own.

If you'd like to add your logos to these pages, contact the Webmaster

Logos | State Logos  |  US & Ship LogosState Flags  |  Logos by Ginger  | Logos by POOF

These logos were made by Debbie Axtman
 (from Currier and Ives Paintings)
Scenic Logos
via Paint Shop Pro

Thanks Betty!
Logos by Ginger Cisewski
ahgp-lg.gif ahgp-med.gif

These logos were made by Debbie Axtman
(Thanks Brenda for the ship!)

Logos | State Logos  |  US & Ship LogosState Flags  |  Logos by Ginger  | Logos by POOF





Copyright August © 2011 - 2024 AHGP  The American History and Genealogy Project.
Enjoy the work of our webmasters, provide a link, do not copy their work.