Kentucky Military Forts

Alphabetical list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National and State Homes for soldiers, national cemeteries, etc., in the United States from its earliest settlement to date.

Many of the forts and structures named were erected by the early settlers for their own protection, and all vestige of them has now disappeared. The exact locations of many are not positively known at the present day, but reference is made to them in State histories, State papers, etc. Those in bold-faced type are now occupied by troops or are under the control of the War Department.(does not apply) The data available for consultation are known to be incomplete, and may be erroneous in some instances.

Anderson, Fort, Kentucky, at Paducah.
Andrew Johnson, Camp, Kentucky at Barboursville.

Bates, Battery, Kentucky at Covington.
Beauregard, Fort, Kentucky at Columbus.
Beech Grove, fort at, Kentucky on Cumberland River, in Laurel County.
Bishop, Fort, Kentucky at Louisa.
Blantons Hill, Fort, Kentucky at Frankfort.
Boone, Fort, Kentucky at Boonesboro.
Boyle, Fort, Kentucky Muldraugh's Hill, Marion County.
Brown General Hospital, Kentucky at Louisville.
Brownlow, Camp, Kentucky at Piketon.
Buckner, Camp, Kentucky at Cumberland Ford.
Buell, Camp, Kentucky at Parritsville.
Burbank, Battery, Kentucky near Covington.
Burbank, Camp, Kentucky at Warsaw.
Burgess, Camp, Kentucky at Bowling Green.
Burnett, Battery, Kentucky near Covington.
Burnside, Camp, Kentucky in Lincoln County.

Calvert, Camp, Kentucky, at London.
Capron, Allyn, Camp, Kentucky at Fort Thomas.
Carlisle, Battery, Kentucky near Covington.
Cave Hill National Cemetery, Kentucky at Louisville.
Churchill, Col. Fort, Kentucky Cumberland Gap.
Clark, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.
Clay, Fort, Kentucky at Lexington.
Clay General Hospital, Kentucky at Louisville.
Coffey, Camp, Kentucky Nineteen miles south of Richmond.
College Hill, Fort, Kentucky at Bowling Green.
Collier, Camp, Kentucky at Lexington.
Collins, Camp, Kentucky at Warsaw.
Columbus, fortifications at, Kentucky.
Coombs, Battery, Kentucky 2 miles west of Covington.
Corbin, H. C., Camp, Kentucky at Lexington.
Corn Island, fortifications on, Kentucky near Louisville.
Covington, Fort, Kentucky at mouth of Licking River.
Craig, Fort, Kentucky on Gilberts Creek.
Crittenden, Fort, Kentucky at Lexington.
Crittenden General Hospital, Kentucky at Louisville.

Danville National Cemetery, Kentucky at Danville.
De Wolf, Fort, Kentucky at New Shepherdsville.
Dick Robinson, Camp, Kentucky in Garrard County.
Dumont, Camp, Kentucky near Shelbyville.

Ellicotts Mills, Camp, Kentucky 10 miles below Cairo, Illinois.
Elstner, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.
Engle, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.
Estill's Station, Kentucky on Kentucky River, 5 miles from Richmond.

Flat Lick Camp, Kentucky in Knox County.
Foundry General Hospital, Kentucky at Louisville.

Garrett, Fort, Kentucky Woodford County; now town of that name.
Gibbs, J. B., General Hospital, Kentucky at Lexington.
Gill, Camp, Kentucky at Olympia Springs.

Hall, Fort, Kentucky.
Halleck, Fort, Kentucky at Columbus.
Hamilton, Camp, Kentucky at Lexington.
Harrison, Battery, Kentucky near Newport.
Harrod's Fort, Kentucky at Harrodsburg.
Hatch, Battery, Kentucky near Covington.
Harrisonburg, fort at, Louisiana.
Heiman, Fort, Kentucky on Tennessee River, about 75 miles from Paducah.
Hickman, fortifications at, Kentucky near Tennessee State line.
Higgins's Blockhouse, Kentucky near Cynthiana.
Hill, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.
Hobson, Fort, Kentucky near Glasgow.
Hobson, Camp, Kentucky in Taylor County.
Holt, Battery, Kentucky near Newport.
Holt, Fort, Kentucky Ohio River, opposite Cairo, Illinois.
Holt, Joe, Camp, Kentucky at Louisville.
Hooper, Battery, Kentucky near Covington.
Hopeless Chase, Camp, Kentucky at Pikesville.
Horton, Fort, Kentucky near Louisville.
Hoskins, Camp, Kentucky near Somerset, Pulaski County.
Hoy's Fort, Kentucky on Elkhorn River.
Hutchinson, Fort, Kentucky near Mount Sterling.

Iron Ranks, batteries at, Kentucky on Mississippi River, 3 miles above Columbus.
Island No. 10, batteries on, Kentucky on Mississippi River; contained eleven earthworks.

Jefferson, Fort, Kentucky Mississippi River, 5 miles below Cairo, Illinois.
Joe Holt, Camp, Kentucky near Louisville.
Jones, Fort, Kentucky near Colesburg.

Kincheloe's Fort, Kentucky on Simpsons Creek.
Kinckston's Stockade, Kentucky.
King, Camp, Kentucky near Covington.

Lebanon National Cemetery, Kentucky at Lebanon.
Leonidas, Fort, Kentucky.
Lexington National Cemetery, Kentucky at Lexington.
Livingston, Fort, Kentucky.
Logan, Fort. Kentucky at Stanford, Lincoln County.

McKinley's Blockhouse, Kentucky.
McLean, Battery, Kentucky near Newport.
McClelland's Fort, Kentucky at Georgetown.
McGees Station, Kentucky North of Kentucky River.
McPherson, Fort, Kentucky near Louisville.
McRae, Battery, Kentucky near Fort Mitchell.
Madison, Camp, Kentucky in Franklin County.
Martin's Fort, Kentucky on Licking River.
Miller, Silas, Camp, Kentucky on Green River.
Mill Farm, Camp, Kentucky at Lexington.
Mill Springs National Cemetery, Kentucky at Mill Springs.
Mitchell, Fort or Camp, Kentucky near Covington.
Moore, Camp, Kentucky near Columbus.
Morton, St. Clair, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.

Negley, Camp, Kentucky near Nolin River.
Nelson, Camp, Kentucky near Hickman's bridge.
Nelson, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.
Nelson General Hospital, Kentucky at Camp Nelson
Nelson, Camp, National Cemetery, Kentucky at Camp Nelson.
Nevin, Camp, Kentucky 9 miles below Elizabethtown.
Newport Arsenal, Kentucky at Newport.
Newport Barracks, Kentucky at Newport.

One, Number, Battery, Kentucky near Island No. 10.

Pequod, Fort, Kentucky 2 miles west of Portersville.
Perry Battery, Kentucky near Covington.
Phil Kearny, Battery, Kentucky near Newport. (See Kearny, Phil.)
Philpot, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.

Rains, Colonel, Fort, Kentucky at Cumberland Gap.
Riddle's Fort, Kentucky at forks of the Licking.
Ruddle's Fort, Kentucky on Licking River. (See Riddle's.)

St. Asaphs, Fort, Kentucky also called Logan's Fort.
St. Clair Morton, Fort, Kentucky near Louisville. (See Morton, St. Clair.)
St. Johns Hill, battery at, Kentucky near Newport.
Sanger, Camp, Kentucky at Lexington.
Saunders, Fort, Kentucky at Louisville.
Secession, Camp, Kentucky at Ellicotts Mills, near Cairo.
Sedgwick General Hospital, Kentucky at Louisville.
Seminary General Hospital, Kentucky at Covington.
Seven, Number, Battery, Kentucky near Island No. 10.
Six, Number, Battery, Kentucky At Island No. 10.
Smith, J. L., Battery, Kentucky near Covington.
Smithland, fortifications at, Kentucky Mouth of Cumberland River.
Southworth, Fort, Kentucky near Louisville.
Spring, Fort, Kentucky Fayette County; now town of that name.
Springville, fort near, Kentucky.
Strader General Hospital, Kentucky At Louisville.
Studdiford, Battery, Kentucky At Camp Nelson.

Taylor Barracks, Kentucky at Louisville.
Ten, Number, Battery, Kentucky near Island No. 10.
Thomas, Fort, Kentucky 3 miles from Newport.
Three, Number, Battery, Kentucky near Island No. 10.Three, Number, Fort, Florida near Fort King.
Totten General Hospital, Kentucky at Louisville.
Two, Number, Battery, Kentucky near Island No. 10.

Underwood, Joe, Camp, Kentucky 25 miles from Cave City.

Von Schrader Barracks, Kentucky at Louisville.

Wadsworth, Camp, Kentucky at Hazelgreen.
Wetherill, Camp, Kentucky at Fort Thomas.
Whittlesey, Fort, Kentucky near Newport.
Wickliffe, Camp, Kentucky on Green River.
Wild Cat, Camp, Kentucky near London.
Wolford, Camp, Kentucky near Somerset.
Wood, or George Wood, Camp, Kentucky at Mumfordsville.


Military Forts
Index to forts in other states.

Source: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, Volume 2, by Francis B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, 1903.

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