Delaware County Indiana Rural Directory
~ O'Bannon ~ Oxley
Being A Complete Directory Of All The Rural Routes in Delaware
Most contain:
Name of Husband. Wife. Children, with
Age Johnson, John C. (Mary); (Lucy 12, John 8, Ella 6)
Where figures appear after the RFD number, it indicates the amount of acres owned;
h 320a, the land is in the husband's
name; j, owned jointly; w, in wife's name.
O'Bannon M. N. (Gertie) (Lawrence), Muncie, RFD 2
O'Day Earl (Meriam), Muncie, RFD 8
O'Day John W. (Mary), Muncie RED 8 - h 20a
Odle Chas D (Anna) (Edith, Clarence, Kenneth, Stella), Muncie
Odle John (Letitia), Muncie RFD 6 - w 25a
Odle John W. (Martha V.), Selma, RFD 1 - h 109a
Odle Martin P. (Reba) (Harold, Robt, Genevieve, Audry, Blanche,
Orville), Muncie, RFD 5
Odle Ora M. (Cora), Muncie RFD 5 - h 62a, j 67a
Oesterle Karl A. and Mayme J., Muncie, - 3a
Offill Jasper, - 28a
Ofterdinger Albert (Maud) (Smith 21), Selma, RFD 2 - j 115¼a
Ogle Jane, Muncie, RFD 3 - 105½a
Ogle Nancy J., Muncie, RFD 3 - 39½a
Oil Well Supply Co, Muncie - ¾a
Oliver Chas (Mary) (Geo), Muncie, RFD 7
Oliver Ernest M, Muncie - ½a
Oliver Joseph (Merle) (Richard, Harley, Frank), Muncie, RFD 8 -
h 3½a
Oliver Leroy (Marie) (Hazel, Paul), Muncie, RFD 2
Oliver Lester (Belle) (Ronald, V Jenn, Mary), Muncie, RFD 4
Oliver Rice and Mary E., Muncie, 4½a
Ontario Silver Co, Muncie - 17a
Oras Carl J. (Lyli), Muncie, RFD 5
Orebaugh Jacob (Nola) (Floren 15, Vita 6), Selma, RFD 1
Orebaugh Samuel (Maggie), Daleville, RFD 2
Oren Levi B. (Bessie S.) (Mary S. Shafer), Muncie, RFD 4 - w
Oren Raymond (Hattie), Selma, RFD 2
Orr Chas M. (Kate A.), Selma, Ind., l¾a
Orr Chas M. and James Murray, Selma, Ind., - 1a
Orr Geo T. (Virginia E.) (Perry E., Claud H., Oliver T., Vera
L.), Albany RFD 1 - h 200a
Orr J. N. and Chas M., Selma, Ind., 220a
Orr John (Minnie), Muncie, RFD 3
Orr Monroe (Mollie) (Mildred, Wilma, Robt), Muncie, RFD 1
Orr Oliver (Theresa E.), Albany, RFD 1 - h 80a
Orr Wm W. Estate, Muncie - 248a
Osborn Joseph (Ella), Muncie, RFD 2
Osborne John W. (Addie) (Eunice), Muncie, RFD 8
Osborne R. E. (Josephine) (Clifford L., Hattie, May, Mary,
Alice, Ethel), Muncie RFD 5
Osenbaugh Harvey (Lena), Albany, RFD 1
Osenbaugh James O. (Bessie) (Virginia 10), Eaton, RFD 3
Osman Joseph C. (Mary E.), Muncie, RFD 1- w 2a
O'Tool Michael F. (Jane B.) (Alice, John), Muncie, RFD 4 - j
Overcash John A. (Cora E.) (Inez M.), Muncie, RFD 1
Overman Joseph W., Yorktown, RFD 1 - 80a
Overmire Emma E, Yorktown - 1a
Overmire Henry Estate, Yorktown - 1½a
Overmire Wm M., Yorktown, Ind., - ¾a
Owen Attison - 19½a
Owens Elizabeth D., non res., 20a
Owens James W. (Rebecca) (Mabel C.), Muncie RFD 8 - h 25a
Owens Mary H, Muncie, RFD 3
Owens Reuben (Hiram), Muncie RFD 3
Oxley Allen (Frances A.), Gaston, Ind., - h 100a, j 21½a
Oxley Chas N. (Ethel) - w 40a, j 55a
Oxley Frank E. (Pearl) (Ottie, Cleophus, Pauline), Muncie, RFD
Oxley Laura, widow of Lawrence (Earl, Lila 15, Dorris 13, Carl,
Ralph), Daleville, RFD 1
Oxley Lewis E. (Sarah J), Muncie, RFD 7 - h 40a w 20a
Oxley Ottie, Muncie RFD 10
Oxley Peter (Henry 38, Oleatha 25, Jerry 28) Yorktown, RFD 2 - h
Oxley Roley C, Gaston, RFD 1
Gazetteer Index |
Source: Rural Route Directory, 1919-1920, Compiled and published
by Emerson Directory Company, Williams Directory Company,
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1919.