Marion Township, Lee County, Illinois
Although under the title of Marion
Township, this wealthy township can date back to 1854 only.
Nevertheless Marion's history began with the day when O. W.
Kellogg drove across Lee County in the year 1825 to make his
trail to the lead mines. The trail ran through this township and
the stages on its successor, the Peru and Peoria road, ran
through this town until the Illinois Central railroad ended
forever the usefulness of the stage coach in Lee County. The
Cleaveland toll gate was located on that road in this township
and the early scenes thrillingly and truthfully related
elsewhere were enacted in this and East Grove townships. But
because Chicago grew so rapidly and outbid Peru and Peoria and
even St. Louis for business, population along this trail did not
settle so thickly as along the trail called the Chicago road,
and therefore it is we have heard so little about Marion in the
books. The first permanent settler whose name I am able to
secure was David Welty, who started for the West in the year
1838, from Buffalo, New York, accompanied by Aaron L. Porter,
subsequently sheriff of this county, and other friends. They
rode horses all the way. He came west to benefit his health. All
who came with him were robust men and yet he outlived them all.
He reached Dixon's Ferry and tarried
until his wife and oldest son, John, could join him, which they
did the following year. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, mother and father of
Mrs. Welty, came with them. In the year 1840 Mr. Welty and the
family moved to the land, on section 34, he had preempted on
Inlet (Green) River, after building a double log house, the
doors, sash and flooring for which were hauled from Chicago. The
floors were covered with Brussels carpet, the first to come to
Lee County and for a considerable time were a rare curiosity.
The furniture was all mahogany and black walnut and contrasted
strongly against the rough exterior of the unhewn logs. But
those rugs, those carpets and that elegant furniture made the
most luxurious home in Lee County, and after Mrs. Welty had her
crying spell out for lonesomeness, she enjoyed the West so
thoroughly that she never cared to return eastward.
For years this home was the social
center of the whole county and it was no uncommon occurrence for
neighbors for twenty miles around to hitch their teams to attend
a social event at the Welty's. The old stages used to drive
almost past the Welty door and travelers used to alight to take
a good look at that marvelous home sitting alone in the
wilderness. For many years there were but three houses between
Princeton and Dixon, Dad Joe's, another south of Palestine Grove
and the Welty house.
Among those who made up the sleighing
parties in those days were Elias B. Stiles, Col. Silas Noble,
Major Sterling, father of John M. Sterling of today; Aaron L.
Porter, "Than" Porter; Father Dixon, James P. and John, Jr.;.
Smith Gilbraith; James McKenney; Daniel B. McKenney; Henry
McKenney; Lorenzo Wood; George Chase; William W. Heaton; Dr.
Oliver Everett; Paul Gallup; Col. John Dement; P. Maxwell
Alexander and one McBoel, who was a beautiful performer on the
violin and a first class artist.
Later David Welty became probate judge
of the county, a very prominent citizen and at his death a man
of large means. At present his youngest son, Charles F. Welty,
who is supervisor of the township, owns the same old home farm
and he too is a very prominent citizen and a gentleman of large
John Welty, the oldest son, who went to
live in Washington, D. C, where he held a fine position in one
of the departments, was one of the brightest of all the bright
young men who were raised in the county of Lee. For wit and high
class humor, it is doubtful if any other community could produce
a match for John Welty and Charles Stiles, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elias B. Stiles.
The father of E. H. and Charles
Brewster, while not dating his entrance into Marion so far back
as Judge Welty, came at an early date.
Marion has been peculiarly fortunate in
its population. While not settling up so rapidly as other parts
of the county, today it is filled by beautifully cultivated
homes, splendid houses, large red barns, fine stock, and
contented, happy people. If ever a township of land responded to
the efforts of the home builder, Marion has done so.
Settled largely by the sons and
daughters of old Ireland, the Marion of today is one of the best
exemplifications of what toil, honesty and frugality linked with
patience will do.
Those heroic Irishmen and Irishwomen
reached this country without money. They yearned for a country
which would present them with the opportunity to carve a home
and a competency for their children. The Irish love their
families and for those little boys and girls which came along to
the early Irish of Marion Township, those parents toiled early
and late, often denying themselves some of the necessities of
life in order that the children coming on might have homes
without the drudgery of wresting them from the earth, generous
though it was.
Those parents came here penniless. In
the old country, they had been ground down by the hand of
tyranny. They never had been permitted to secure for their
efforts enough to sustain life even tolerably and about the only
way they could reach this land of promise was to club together,
rob themselves of their last pennies to send over here one of
their number, who in turn worked for wages and who by the same
process of denial sent every cent of his money back home to
bring over another. Thus in time, a neighborhood was landed and
permitted the privilege of working out a home. I have in mind
one such man. He worked almost slavishly as a section hand.
Little by little he worked his way westward. Every dollar he
earned went back to Ireland. When at last he felt he might be
permitted to marry, he added to his long hours of labor on the
railroad, the burdens of a garden to raise from it something for
the family in order that he might save a few cents more with
which later he might buy himself a home. That garden was made
along the right of way of the Illinois Central. After a while
the farm was bought. But at what a fearful sacrifice of health!
From 3 o'clock in the morning until 10 at night! But with the
home always possible and always before him, he cheerfully toiled
on and on and today the town of Marion is populated with the
children of those heroic men and women.
How they loved liberty! And how they
loved the country of their adoption! If for a lengthy story of
what their love was, you will turn to the records of the War
Department, there in blood you will read what the Irishman of
Lee County did for that country of his adoption. Read over the
Adjutant-Generals Illinois reports and find the names of the men
who composed the Thirteenth, the Thirty-fourth, the Forty-sixth,
the Seventy-fifth, and you will see what the sons of old Ireland
did for the United States and for Lee County!
Marion Township has done for the cause
of religion what no other township in Lee County has done.
Glance at the picture here of their beautiful church, dedicated
last summer, and their parsonage and parish hall and see for
yourself. And all were paid for by the farmers of that township.
Thomas Dwyer, Edward Morrissey, $1,000 each; the Lallys, the
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Walton
As you enter this beautiful church, the
attention is attracted to a marble tablet, 5x5, to the left,
facing west, with the names thereon of those who made it
possible to build so beautiful a church, parsonage and parish
The community is altogether rural and
these contributions are nothing short of wonderful. Father
Cullen contributed the tablet in appreciation of his regard for
the unusual work done by the congregation.
Following are the names inscribed on the
tablet, of those who furnished the funds to erect the church and
other buildings:
Edward Morrissey,
Miss Mary A. Leonard, $1,400
James Cahill and family, $1,100
P. D. Fitzpatrick, $1,000
Thomas Dwyer and mother, $1,000
Patrick Lally, $700
Mary, Michael and A J. O'Malley, $600
Martin Whalen, $575
P. A. Morrissey, $550
J. J. Morrissey, $530
James McCoy, $510
James F. Dempsey, $505
Mrs. Ann O'Malley, $500
Edward Dempsey, $500
William Morrissey, $500
John C. Lally, $400
James McCaffrey, $400
Mrs. T. S. Healey, $350
E. J. Lally, $300
P. H. McCaffrey, $300
John Leonard, $300
P. F. Keane, $300
John Lally, $300
Thomas F. McKune, $300
Charles and Mary Keane, $300
Miss Rose Lyons, $250
Thomas and Bridget Morrissey, $200
Mrs. Kathryn Hoyle, $200
John H. Dempsey, $200
Austin O'Malley, $200
Mrs. J. Convoy, $200
Thos. Burke, $150
Rev. T. J. Cullen, $150
Mrs. Bridget and Frank Finn, $130
John Blackburn, $125
Owen Burns, $125
E. J. O'Malley, $125
Thomas P. Finn, $100 |
James D. Murray,
Joseph Grohens, $100
Lawrence Dempsey, St., $100
James Canfield, $100
Peter Campbell, $100
James Harvey, $100
M. J. Fielding, $100
Thos. Halligan, $100
Mrs. C. F. Welty, $100
Michael O'Malley, $100
Wm. Blackburn, $100
Henry and Edward Ullrich, $100
John A. Greenwalt, $100
William McCoy, $50
Mrs. E. Schmidt, $50
Mrs. Hugh McGuirk, $50
E. H. Jones, $50
Sarah McCoy, $50
P. H. Dumphy, $50
Carl Acker, $50
Henry O'Hare, $50
John Finn, $50
August Grohens, $50
Edward Campbell, $50
Thomas Blackburn, $50
B. J. Bushman, $40
Anton Douvier, $30
Charles McCoy, $25
Patrick Patterly $25
George Healy, $25
George Welty, $25
D. T. Fitzpatrick, $25
Thomas McCoy, $25
Frank McCoy, $25
A. M. Head, $25
Bernard Feely, $25
John Dumphy, $25 |
The rectory is 30x34 feet, of red
pressed brick, two stories, basement and attic, heated by
hot-air furnace. Water from a large tank in the attic is
afforded all over the house, and a splendid sewage disposal
system has been supplied.
The furniture is solid mahogany of the
Mission style. Hard-wood floors have been laid throughout. The
cost was $8,500.
The church is of the Spanish Mission
style, 40x80 feet, with belfry. It is made of red pressed brick.
The pews, of massive dark oak, will hold 346 people.
Steam is the heating medium. The altars
and communion rail are of white marble. Over the sanctuary are
ten Roman arches, the main ones, over the altars, rest on
massive pillars. The vestry is of brick and may be used as a
The main altar was contributed by Miss
Mary Ann Leonard; the Virgin's altar by Patrick, Thomas, Bridget
and John Morrissey; the St. Joseph's altar by Patrick and John
Lally; the communion rail by William Morrissey. The
contributions by the Morrisseys make $3,200. The sanctuary lamp
was the gift of the Cahill sisters. The large candlesticks were
given by Martin Whalen; the ostensorium by Mrs. Mary O'Malley;
the three marble crucifixes for the altars by Mrs. Bridget Finn.
In 1854 a petition was presented to the
board of supervisors, to organize a new township out of what
then composed Amboy and Hamilton. The petition was granted and
the first town meeting was held in April, 1855.
The first supervisor was Alfred Wolcott;
first assessor was Sherman W. Caldwell; first justices of the
peace, Abram Morrison and A. S. Phillips; first town clerk,
Simon Dykman; first collector, David Morrison.
In 1838 W. H. Blair located on section
24. In 1841 J. C. Haley, a native of Pennsylvania, settled
there. In 1846 R. Scott, a native of Scotland, settled on
section 15.
When the Kinyon road promised to go
through Marion town-ship, its managers desired the township to
bond itself for $50,000; but the proposition was defeated almost
unanimously. But the road was built just the same; and largely
through the influence of Messrs. McCrystal, Conderman and Jones,
the station was located about in the center of the township, and
it was named Walton, and it is the only station in the township.
Today, besides the beautiful Catholic
Church, the parsonage, and the parish hall, there is one general
store, a blacksmith shop, an agricultural implement store and
warehouse and a grain elevator which does a very large business,
the average amount of grain being about two hundred thousand
bushels per annum, shipped from the elevator. Marion raises a
great deal of live stock.
Some of the biggest men of Lee County in
all lines of endeavor have come from Marion Township. Mr. Hiram
A. Brooks, now of Dixon, one of the ablest lawyers and one of
the best trial lawyers of the state, was born there and so was
his brother and partner, Clarence C. Brooks. Charles B.
Morrison, at one time United States district attorney for the
Chicago district, was raised there. Edward and Charles Brewster,
two of Dixon's able lawyers, were born and raised there. County
Judge Robert H. Scott is a Marion boy, born and raised there,
and son of a pioneer. George O'Malley, the clothing merchant,
and Charles E. Slain, of the undertaking establishment of Jones
& Slain, are Marion boys. Thus all over Lee County the boys from
Marion have rendered a good account of the stock which made it
the rich and populous township that it is.
Marion has had its tragedies of the air
and of the earth. The tornado of 1860 passed right through the
middle in its eastward race through the county. It picked up
here and there a few little items of lumber, but no damage to
speak of was done. In the year 1912, however, a windstorm came
along which blew down the passenger station, and nearly every
other building in Walton.
In the early part of January, 1870, an
unfortunate tragedy occurred which shocked the countryside.
Francis Marion Spangler shot and killed one Timothy Keane. Both
were prosperous farmers and residents of Marion and both were
men of high standing in the community. It seems Keane ^s cattle
broke into Spangler's field. The latter shut them up and kept
them until Keane came over and demanded their release. In anger
hot words passed and Keane then attempted to drive them away.
Spangler then shot and killed Keane with a gun, after which he
surrendered himself to the authorities in Amboy and was brought
to jail.
This became one of the most famous
trials in the history of Lee County. Leonard Swett of Chicago
defended Spangler and after a terrific battle, he succeeded in
getting an acquittal for his client.
Lee County
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