Illinois ~ AHGP
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

By W. D. Barge

In reading the various books containing information of our State, it was noticed that the names of many of the towns had been changed, and that some of the towns had ceased to exist. Many of them were mere town sites, and others were towns under the township organization law. The following is a copy of my list of the changes.


The list is not complete. It contains errors, the great majority of which are due to the faulty printing of the State edition of our statutes.


It is hoped that the list will be of service to those who want to know something more of our State:


~ A-C ~ D-G ~ H-K ~ L-R ~ S-W ~


Old Name County New Name
H Towns
Haldane Ogle Campus
Hanno Lee Sublette
Hanovor Woodford Metamora
Harlem Cook Formerly Oakridge, then Harlem, then Noyesville, to Oak Park
Harrison Stephenson Cedarville
Harrisonville Knox Hermon
Hartford Adams, vacated 1853. .
High Ridge Cook In Chicago
Hilton Tazewell East Peoria
Hollidaysburg Greene Kane
Holstein Cook In Chicago
Houston Bond Mulberry Grove
Howlett Sangamon With Jamestown to form Riverton
Howard Winnebago Durand
Hudson Peoria, vacated 1839 .
Hyde Park Cook Annexed to Chicago
I Towns
Illinois City Rock Island, Vacated 1845 .
Illinois City Whiteside, part vacated Balance named Uniontown
Illinoistown St. Clair East St. Louis
Independence Coles Oakland
Indiantown Bureau With Windsor formed Tiskilwa
Iowa Perry, vacated 1811 .
Irondale Cook In Chicago
Irving Park Cook In Chicago
J Towns
Jamestown Sangamon With Howlett to form Riverton.
Jefferson Cook Annexed to Chicago
Jefferson Kane Oak Park, 1849
Jo Duncan Hancock, vacated  
Juliet Will Joliet
Junction DuPage Turner, now West Chicago
K Towns
Kankakee Grundy, Vacated 1855 .
Kankakee Depot Kankakee With Bourbonnais Grove formed Kankakee.
Kensington Cook In Chicago
Keokuk Junction Adams Golden
Keokuk Mills Peoria, vacated 1847 .
Kinnorwood Bureau, vacated 1845 .
Koerner Clark, vacated 1857  .

~ A-C ~ D-G ~ H-K ~ L-R ~ S-W ~

Illinois AHGP

Source: Publication Number Seventeen Of The Illinois State Historical Library Transactions Of The Illinois State Historical Society, For The Year 1912 May 23 and 24, 1912, 1914


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