Meriwether County, Georgia Queries & Brickwalls
Here you can list your Queries regarding Meriwether County and the names of your "Brick Wall" relatives and information needed. It is a free service. Please, only request information on relatives that lived in Meriwether County or the surrounding area. E-Mail your information and we will gladly post it here for you. Don't forget to let us know if you make a connection. We would like to join the "celebration".
Note to Submitters
We have been receiving quite a few reports of bad email addresses. If you have a listing on this site, please let us know if your email address changes so that we may update your listing. It's very disappointing when someone can't locate you and they know you have the item they have been looking for, or that they have the item you are seeking.
BAKER, Lousia
BONNER, Cora Ellen Blount
ESTES, David
KEITH, David (Keith Cemetery)
KEY, Rev. George W.
MAXWELL, George Washington
McGRAW, Ephriam Wesley
MEALER, George W.
MYERS, George Bruce
PRYOR, John Marshall
ROWE, William H & Louisa Davis
STOKES, Narcissus
TAYLOR, Reuben
TRINITY Methodist Church in Durand, GA
VENABLE, William
WALKER, Robert
BAKER, Lousia I am trying to find the parents of my GGrandmother Lousia Baker. She was born c. 1841 in either GA or AL. She first married a guy by the surname of Parker then she married Obediah Levi Sanders Robinson in 1873 in Coweta Co., GA.
The only lead I have found is an 1850 census page 907 for Meriwether Co., GA. taken in Oct. 1850. household 907. It list John Baker age 32 his wife Jane age 30 with several children one of which is Louisa (sic) Baker age 8, which this is the correct age for my ggrandmother. Another give away is my aunt that just past on a few week ago at the age of 91 says that her grandmother had a sister named Mary Easton (Easton being her middle given name.) A child by the name of Mary E. is listed in this census at the age of 1.
Could you tell me if the state of GA had marriage bonds and how much it would cost to get copies of them?? I did find that John Baker married Jane Bussey on Feb. 22, 1838 in Meriwether Co., GA. page 88 of marriage book A. I would likd to know some names of both Bakers and Bussey's that lived in Meriwether Co., GA around that time frame.
Sue Owens Hudson 9-17-2005
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BURNETTE, Grady I am seeking information on the family of Grady Burnette who died about 1920. Grady was married to Emma Lilly Harris and had a daughter Frances Pauline Burnette born 1916 in Manchester, Meriwether county. Gradys father was Jeff Burnette and his Mother was Mary, maiden name unknown.
Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated
Rocky Creek Farm 6-13-2002
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ESTES, David b 1818 and d 1890. He married Elizabeth Ann Caldwell in Troup County in 1839. David and Elizabeth are both buried in Meriwether County. Elizabeth had a sister, Rebecca Caldwell that married Kimbrel Estes. Was Kimbrel a brother to David? Would like to exchange information on the Estes Family.
Doris Estes Robbins 6-5-2002 New E-mail address 02-12-2011
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KEY, Rev. George W. I am searching Key family lines, in particular Rev. George W Key. He was a Baptist minister and was married to Delila Embry Key. They had several children one of which, George Flournoy Key, is my gggrandfather. He died in Meriwether County, GA, c. 1840-1850.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Betty Strauss 9-16-2005
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MAXWELL, George Washington
He was born abt 1824 married Elizabeth Estes born abt 1837 SC they lived part of their married lives in Wilkes, Meriwether, Haralson, Polk counties. I am searching for the parentage of George Washington Maxwell born 1824 GA or SC?
Thank you,
Mary Wyatt 10-17-2005
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McGRAW, Ephraim Wesley Need information on this family. Please see Family Group Sheet
Darrell L. McGraw 3-27-2006
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MEALER, George W. I am researching George W. Mealer, he is my grandfather and he stated in his bible that he was born in Harris County in 1850. He is on the Meriweather County Census in 1870. My father was born there in 1892. All of my grandfathers children were born in Meriweather and most were on the census through 1910. His first wife was a Mary Crews and his second wife was Elizabeth Anderson who is my grandmother. I have not located George's burial place but believe it to be Primitive Baptist Church Yard. The Anderson's had a farm that FDR bought his produce from. A Williiam Mealer had a will that I found but no mention of George. He had a daughter by the name of Georgia and she married a Clark. Any help you can give me on this would be appreciated.
Martha Mealer Smith 6-12-2002
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Mt. Venus Cemetery I am trying to gain information on individuals that were buried in Mt.
Venus Baptist Church Cemetery. This cemetery obviously is not listed but
still exist.
The individuals that I am looking for would be my great grandmother and
grandfather and my great great grandmother and grandfather. Their names are as follows: Great Grandmother/father: Rosa Lee Crouch-Bryant
George Henry Bryant Great Great Grandmother/father: Mae Jane Crouch
Louis Crouch All I need is their D.O.B.'s and their D.O.D's (Dates of Death). Or if
you could tell me who I would call to get this information, I would
sincerely appreciate it.
Renee' July 23, 2004
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MYERS, George Bruce I am seeking information and especially a Will for George Bruce Myers/Miers who was born about 1789 in Darlington District, SC and I have located the following reference, ""GEORGE B. MYERS of Meriwether Co. to GABRIEL JONES of Randolph Co. Lot #184, 6th Dist. Wit.: George I. Reynolds, James H. Edwards. Sept. 21, 1837/Feb. 2, 1838." George Bruce Myers had a daughter, Nancy, that married Silas Dobbs (a preacher) and they were in the 1840-1850 census of Meriwether County. I have written the Probate Clerk for a Will dated between 1838 and 1855 but have received no response yet. I would appreciate any information.
Neil Myers 4-2-2005
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PRYOR, John Marshal I live in Virginia but have family members buried in Woodbury
Cememtary. I have been told that families help with contributions to its
maintenance. Could someone please adise me where to send our suport. My
family is the Pryor family, John Marshal Pryor, his wife Ada Martha,
their children, Opal, Johnny, Kitty, and several other members. Thank
you for any help you can offer.
Dottie Tinsley 6-24-2002
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ROWE, William H & Louise Davis I am researching: PHILLIPS, BURNETTS, DENNYS, FANTS, BUCHANANS. I have been getting information very slowly on them, but my "Brick Walls" are WILLIAM H. ROWE AND LOUISE DAVIS. What I do know was they were born 1865-19\875 in Meriwether County, Georgia. William, I am pretty sure was born in Warm Springs. They are listed on the 1920 Meriwether County Census as William Franklin Rowe age 47 and Lousia Francis Davis Rowe age 49, children John Dempsey age 23 and twins Clayton and Clarence Rowe age 16. I know they lived there at that time. On a Troup County 1930 Census they are listed as William H Rowe age 57 and Louise Rowe/ age 57 / children twins Clayton and Clarence Rowe. I am sure the other son died during this that time.. There was another son named Jeff (maybe Jefferson Davis) I was told about another son that died at 6 or 7 years of age. Clayton Rowe was my Father born May 21, 1905. If you have any information on the Davis's or Rowe's - Please help me! This brick wall is getting higher and higher.
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STOKES, Narcissus I'm trying to find information about Narcissus Stokes. I've been
told she married Jim Heard and had a child Mattie Elizabeth Heard. She was born before 1838 in Manchester according to family lore. There's a possibility that she was Creek or Cherokee, but I can't find anything about her. Do you have any records that might help point me in the right direction? If the facts are correct, she was my great, great grandmother. Thanks,
Tina 7-13-2003
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TAYLOR, Reuben Looking for info on a family named Taylor. They lived in Meriwether Co. in the late 1820's to 1850's. Reuben was born in SC in 1796, so was his wife, Mary abt. 1803. They had 13 or 14 children, including a set of twin girls. Amanda-1828, Seaborn-1831, Elizabeth-1834, Sarah-1835, John N.-1836, Catherine-1837, Frances-1840, Emeline-1843, Ardessa & Narcissa-1844, William P.-1845, Thomas J.-1848 and Martha-1851. Reuben died in 1856 or 57. Then the family disappears. Thanks for any help you can give.
Glenda P. Garner 7-12-2003
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THOMPSON, William and Mary Evoline (Curlee) Thompson are buried in a family cemetery in northern Meriwether Co. near Goldmine. This cemetery does not appear on any county records. I visited the cemetery in the 1970's with Bill Lowery who lives close to the cemetery on the Coweta Co. side. At one time a road passed by the cemetery and their house, but in the 1940's the pattern of the road was changed. When we visited in the 1970's, the cemetery was grown up with pine trees and was very unnoticeable since there were no tombstones. Although no graves in the cemetery were marked, some did have field stones. Some are probably graves of young children of William and Mary Evoline who did not reach maturity. Last July 1, 2001, I talked to Bill Lowery who stated that he could no longer find the cemetery. Any help finding this cemetery or information on the family will be greatly appreciated. Lanny Cauthen 6-25-2002
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TRINITY Methodist Church in Durand, GA Would anyone happen to have a contact for a historian at the Trinity Methodist Church in Durand, GA? I have some specific questions to ask about family members who attended there in the 1800s. Mark McKee 4-19-2007
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VENABLE, William This is one of my brick walls. I do not know his death date or burial place.
A family member said his grandfather stated they were buried at ? Springs, probably in GA. Could this be Warm Springs?
Family Group Sheet Darrell L. McGraw 3-27-2006
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WALKER, Robert Seeking any information on Robert Walker who married Mary Germany in
Pike Co., Ga. in Dec. 1827. He was on tax records as early as 1825.
Robert and Mary were on the census record for 1830 and 1840 (I think,
there were two Robert Walker's in Pike Co.) then disappeared. Their only
known son, Henry Houston Walker, moved to Tallapoosa Co., Al. before
1860, returned to Meriwether Co. and married in 1861 then went back to
Tallapoosa Co., Al. They stayed there until the death of his wife - then
Henry brought the children back to Meriwether Co. where his wife's
HE BORN?? WHO WERE HIS PARENTS?? Any help greatly appreciated.
Marsha Faulk 6-12-2002
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