Newspaper Articles
Meriwether County, Georgia


Odessadale, Ga., August 31. - (Special.)
The wedding of Miss Dana Bell Marchmon, of Odessadale, and Colonel W. A. Wooten, of McRae, was solemnized in the Methodist church of this place Tuesday, August 29, at 6 o'clock in the evening. The wedding was one of the prettiest of recent years in this section of the state. The bride, a particularly handsome brunette, was gowned in white crepe de chine, trimmed in white point lace. Her veil was caught gracefully with a pearl brooch, a present from the groom. Her maid of honor, Miss Nell Marchmon, of The Rock, wore a pink silk mulie over taffeta, trimmed with rose medalions. The best man was Mr. Fred A. Smith, of McRae.

Miss Mabel E. Langston, of Atlanta, was the organist for the wedding. The party entered the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's march. The intermezzo from Cavalliers Rusticana was played during the ceremony, and the song from Lohengrin was heard as the nuptial party left the house of worship.

The ushers were Messrs. Cal Harmon, Julian Harris and Howard Harmon, of Odessadale, and Mr. Solon Cousins, of Luthersville.

Immediately after the ceremony Colonel and Mrs. Wooten left for Tallulah Falls, where they will remain for several weeks.

Colonel Wooten is a well-known south Georgian. He was formerly a member of the general assembly, and is one of the prominent young men of his section.

The bride is the daughter of Colonel and Mrs. M. Marchmon and is a very popular young lady. She was during the last term one of the teachers of the South Georgia college.

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 01 Sep 1905 Page 8

Submitted by Stefani Evans

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