Colorado History and Genealogy Project





 G. A. R.

The following are the Rosters of the Various Grand Army Posts in the Department of Colorado and Wyoming:

Roster of U. S. Grant Post No. 13 G. A. R., Greeley, Colorado
Meetings Every Second and Fourth Saturday

Alcorn, J. A Private, C, 35th Wisconsin Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Aldrich, E. N K, 142nd Indiana Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Archer, John Private, H, 4th Iowa Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Baker, E. E Private, B, 3rd U. S. Cavalry, Greeley, Colorado.
Beeman, F. C Private, K, 153rd New York Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Boomer, W. M., Private, D, 117th New York Infantry, I, 48th New York Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Boye, August C., Private, C, 4th Ohio Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Brockway, C. S., Corporal, B, 41st Wisconsin Infantry. Greeley, Colorado.
Brownell, J. E., D, 46th New York, Battalion D, 2nd U. S. Artillery, Greeley, Colorado.
Burns, Thomas, E, 63 New York Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Butler, A. D., Private, E, 14th New York Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Camp, D. F., M, 16th Kansas Cavalry, Greeley, Colorado.
Cheeney, Urial, P, 14th Ohio Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Clark, J. Max, Sergeant, I, 21st Wisconsin Cavalry, Private, F, 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, Greeley
Cook, Alonzo, Private, C. 16th Wisconsin Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Croft. A C., D, 7th Wisconsin Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Derit, S., Private, 36th Ohio Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
De Votie, H. M., Private, K, 3rd Colorado Cavalry, Greeley, Colorado.
Dinsmore, T. H., Sergeant, H, 24th Maine Infantry, Greeley, Colorado.
Dresser, F. S., H, 47th Wisconsin Infantry, Greeley
Ecker, Henry, Private, F, 197th Pennsylvania Infantry, Greeley
Evans, J. B., A and B, 1st Missouri Engineer, Greeley
Ferguson, J. M., Bugler, E, 1st New York Light Artillery, Greeley
Fisk, G. W., Musician, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Greeley
Flint, Russell, Private, K, 51st Wisconsin Infantry, Greeley
Frazier, S. J., Corporal, B, 59th Ohio Infantry, Greeley
Gordon, Geo. H., Private, G, 15th New Jersey Infantry, Greeley
Grove, F. H., Corporal, D, 72nd Ohio Infantry, Greeley
Guggray, Jos, Private, D, 39th Iowa Infantry, Greeley
Hastings, LaF. E., Private, K, 17th New York Infantry, Greeley (as written)
Hogarty, M. J., 1st Lieutenant, U. S. A., Greeley
Howard, Oliver, Private, F, 6th Massachusetts Infantry, Greeley
Hull, I. D., Private, F, 24th Iowa Infantry, Greeley
Irons, J. F., Private, G, 36th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Jackson, D. J., D, 1st Delaware, Cavalry, Greeley
Jones, A. W., 1st Lieutenant, B, 17th Illinois Volunteer, Greeley
Kimball, C. B., Private, D, 28th Iowa Infantry, Greeley
Law, Gamaliel Captain, K, 6th West Virginia, Cavalry, Greeley
Lohr, A. J. R B, 28th Pennsylvania Infantry, Greeley
Lowe, Wm. H 1st Sergeant, E, 10th Minnesota Infantry, Greeley
Lucas, E. C., B, 8th Kentucky Infantry, Greeley
Lucas, Theo, Private, A, 45th Pennsylvania Infantry, Greeley
Mattox, Tobias F, 79th Indiana Infantry, Greeley
McCain, James, K, 39th Ohio Infantry, Greeley
McCarter, A. J., I, 23rd Iowa Infantry, Greeley
McNair, W., F, 1st Maryland Cavalry, Greeley
Mead, S. H., Private, L, 2nd New York Heavy Artillery, Greeley
Miles, Silas, Command Sergeant, B, 8th New York Cavalry, 1108 22nd St., Denver,
Miller, Henry, Private, M, 8th Michigan Cavalry, Greeley
Moore, O. G., E, 44th New York, Greeley
Moore, Samuel, Private, B, 20th Connecticut Infantry, 932 Jason St., Denver,
Moore, Samuel, Private, G, 9th Indiana Infantry, Captain, E, 99th Indiana Infantry, Greeley
Morgan, G. W., E, 66th Ohio Infantry, Greeley
Moss, D. D., A, 26th Missouri Infantry, C, 6th Iowa Cavalry, Greeley
Nixon, A. M., Corporal, B, 8th Indiana Infantry, Greeley
Norder, Fred, Corporal, K, 9th Wisconsin Infantry, Greeley
Paine, I. H., Corporal, B, 4th Vt. Infantry, Greeley
Pifer, T. J., A, 47th Iowa Infantry, Greeley
Pressly, Thomas C., A, 9th Iowa Cavalry, Greeley
Price, E. J., Private, H, 5th Kentucky Cavalry, Greeley
Randolph, Calvin, K, 32nd Iowa Infantry, Greeley
Reno, W. M., C, 54th Indiana Infantry, Greeley
Robinson, Jasper, 1st Co. Denver H. Gds., Greeley (as written)
Rogers, John W., Drum Major, 70th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Rogers, W. H., F, 29th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Sanborn, E. B., F, 7th Iowa Cavalry, Greeley
Sanborn, J. W., Corporal, D, 4th New Hampshire Infantry, Greeley
Sanford, Stewart, Private, I, 3rd Michigan Cavalry, Greeley
Settle, O. F., A, 105th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Shule, Alonzo B., Corporal, D, 6th Kansas Cavalry, Greeley
Smith, J. F., I, 6th Ohio Cavalry, Greeley
Southard. S. H., I. 1st Ohio H. Artillery. E, 78th Ohio Infantry, Greeley
Stevens, Geo. O., K, 4th Michigan Cavalry, Greeley
Stewart, LaF D, 8th Illinois Infantry, Greeley (as written)
Stimson, T. J., Corporal, F, 8th New York H. Artillery, Greeley,
Stockton, Chalmers, Private, L, 4th Iowa Cavalry, Greeley
Stone, Geo. T., F, 47th Iowa Infantry, Greeley!
Taylor, J. F., I, 46th Iowa Infantry, Greeley
Tisdell, P. A., B, 7th Kansas Cavalry, Greeley
Teas, J. C., Private, I, 124th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Thomas, C. H., Quarter Master Sergeant, C, 6th Ohio Cavalry, Greeley
Thomas, W. C., Sergeant, D, 51st Ohio Infantry, Greeley,
Thompson, E. A., Private, A, 99th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Van Dyne, C. B., D, 5th Michigan Cavalry, Greeley
Wadlia, A. J., Captain, E, 3rd New Hampshire, Greeley
Wadsworth, M. L., H, 27th Maine Infantry, Greeley
Wallace, D. D., I, 161st Ohio Infantry, Greeley
Watson, H. C., Corporal, B. 19th Pennsylvania Infantry, B, 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Greeley
White, C. A., A, 3rd Massachusetts Infantry, Capt., B, 6th Pa, Cavalry, Greeley
Whitman, I. A., B, 86th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Wilkinson, Geo, Private, H, 53rd Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Willard, L. B., H, 6th Massachusetts Infantry, 1st Sergeant, K, 26th Massachusetts Infantry, Greeley
Williams, H. M., Sergeant, A, 13th Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Wing, I. Y., Seaman, U. S. Navy, Greeley
Wolaver, J. M., Private, I, 52nd Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Wood, C. A., M, 4th Massachusetts H. Artillery, Greeley
Wood, N. D., H, 49th Wisconsin Infantry, Greeley
Woodbury, J. A., 1st Sergeant, F, 6th Minnesota Infantry, Greeley
Woodruff, W. B., F, 88th Illinois Infantry, Greeley,
Wright, W. O., H, 103rd Illinois Infantry, Greeley
Zinde, R. M., A, 56th New York Infantry, Greeley

Rosters of the G. A. R.

Source: Official Roster, Department of Colorado and Wyoming, William Edgar Moses, 1844 ~ Grand Army of the Republic, Ladies of the GAR Relief Corps and Loyal Legion, 1910.

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