Colorado History and Genealogy Project





 Greenwood Post No. 10, G. A. R. Canon City, Colorado

The following are the Rosters of the Various Grand Army Posts in the Department of Colorado and Wyoming:

Roster of Greenwood Post No. 10, G. A. R., Canon City, Colorado
Meetings Every First and Third Thursday Evening at Elk's Hall

Armstrong, E. S., H, 121st Ohio Infantry, Canon City, Colorado.
Ashby, Bladen, Private, I, 25th Missouri Infantry, Canon City, Colorado.
Bailey, A. S., 1st Sergeant, G, 117th New York Infantry, Canan City, Colorado.
Barnhart, Z. D., A, 153rd Indiana Infantry, Canon City, Colorado.
Beltz, Henry C., E, 34th Iowa Infantry, Canon City, Colorado.
Bengley, F. H., Private, A, 2nd Colorado. Cavalry, Canon City, Colorado.
Blanchard, P. W., C, 177th Ohio Infantry, Canon City, Colorado.
Bowlby, J. S., Private, C, 42nd Ohio Infantry, Canon City, Colorado.
Chess, R. R., C, 16th Indiana Infantry, Canon City, Colorado.
Coffman, L. U., G, 2nd Colorado. Cavalry, Canon City
Cook, Joshua H., I, 2nd Colorado. Cavalry, Canon City
Cooper, J. W., Private, B, 4th Missouri Cavalry, Canon City
Courtney, S. S., A, 3rd West Virginia Cavalry, Canon City
Crisman, Thos. E, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry, Canon City
Endsley, N. H., F, 2nd New York Infantry, Canon City
Farris, S. H., D, 9th Ohio Cavalry, Canon City
Felton, W. B., Private, B, 1st Colorado, Canon City,
Fisher, J. C., H, 1st Colorado, Canon City
French, S. F., B, 1st Vt. Cavalry, Canon City
Geraghty, M. R., U. S. Navy, Canon City
Gibbs, G. T., K, 4th Iowa, Canon City
Gillett, G. M., Private, M, 2nd California Cavalry, Canon City
Gregory, Geo Private, G, 16th Kansas Cavalry, Canon City,
Harris, J. M., C, 84th Illinois Infantry, Canon City,
Hayes, Philip, Private, B, 2nd Colorado. Cavalry, Canon City,
Helm, C. T., Private, I, 10th Iowa, Canon City
Hofflicker, Samuel, I, 149th Illinois, Canon City,
Humphrey, J. K., M, 2nd Iowa Cavalry, Canon City,
Jackson, S. M., G, 13th Illinois, Canon City,
Jenkins, W. Y., H, 9th Illinois, Canon City
Knowles, Jesse, A, 50th Indiana, Canon City,
Lamb, Jos. L., A, 22nd Michigan, Canon City
Logan, J. S., Sergeant, H, 12th Kansas, Canon City,
McClure, J. E., P, 17th Iowa, Canon City
McGowan, A. J., I, 1st Wisconsin, Cavalry, Canon City
Matton, M. D., H, 5th Michigan, Canon City,
Mills, O. M., I, 134th Indiana, Canon City
Mingay, H. M., D, 69th New York, Canon City,
Monce, G. M., C, 175th Ohio, Canon City,
Palm, H. M., B, 6th Ohio, Canon City,
Parks, D. V., I, 5th Missouri Cavalry, Canon City,
Payne, T. J., F, 13th Kansas, Canon City,
Phelps, J. J., B, 132nd Illinois, Canon City
Ragsdale, J. M., E, 122nd Ohio, Canon City,
Raper, A. C., B, 7th N. Carolina, Canon City
Rector, W. H., B, 148th Illinois, Canon City
Redmond, H. W., D, 7th Missouri Cavalry, Canon City,
Rhodes, J. H., 2nd Iowa Battalion, Canon City,
Rice, W. W., G, 12th Missouri, Canon City,
Robison, Lyman, 1st Lieutenant, 4th Missouri Cavalry, Canon City
Rockafellow, B. F., M, 6th Michigan Cavalry, Canon City,
Sartor, Henry L., 9th Missouri Cavalry, Canon City,
Schamp, L. A., K, 32nd Iowa, Canon City
Scott, D. G., Private, I, 15th New York, Canon City
Shank, Albert, B, Illinois Engineers, Canon City
Shaw, John H., 3rd Missouri Cavalry, Canon City
Smith, Lorenzo W., L, 2nd Neb. Cavalry, Canon City
Steinmeyer, S. C., A, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Canon City
Steinwandel, P. P., B, 5th New York, Canon City,
Stonebrecker, J. W., Private, E, 2nd West Virginia, Canon City
Terry, J. W., E, 6th Iowa Cavalry, Canon City,
Thomas, J. H., Private, E, 41st Missouri, Canon City,
Thompson, W. H., Private, I, 36th Iowa, Canon City
Towers, Geo, U. S. Navy, Canon City,
Tuncil, Simon E, 65th Illinois, Canon City
Walter, Albert, 2nd Lieutenant, I, 1st Colorado. Cavalry, Canon City,
Ward, Nathan D, 1st Colorado. Cavalry, Canon City,
Weed, John A, 91st Ohio, Canon City
Weston, Eugene, Private, G, 3rd Colorado. Cavalry, Canon City
Wilkinson, J. V., H, 96th Illinois, Canon City
Yeaman, J. W., F, 2nd Illinois L. Artillery, Canon City
Young, H. C., B, 18th Missouri, Canon City

Rosters of the G. A. R.

Source: Official Roster, Department of Colorado and Wyoming, William Edgar Moses, 1844 ~ Grand Army of the Republic, Ladies of the GAR Relief Corps and Loyal Legion, 1910.

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