North Carolina Census 1790 -1840
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Heads of families at the first census
of the United States taken in the year 1790 : North Carolina -
North, S. N. D. (Simon Newton Dexter), 1849-1924 [Type written
book, indexed.]
1790 North Carolina census [hand
written book]
Reel 0029 - 1800 North Carolina - Anson, Ashe, Brunswick,
Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Iredell, and Lincoln Counties)
Reel 0030 - 1800 North Carolina - Beaufort, Bertie, Camden,
Chowan, Currituck, Edgecombe, Gates, and Halifax Counties)
Reel 0031 - 1800 North Carolina -
Bladen, Carteret, Caswell, Chatham, Craven, Cumberland, Duplin,
Franklin, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Hertford, Johnston, and
Jones Counties)
Reel 0032 - 1800 North Carolina - Lenoir, Moore, Nash, Onslow,
Person, Pitt, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, Sampson, Stokes,
Surry, Wake, Warren, and Wayne Counties)
Reel 0033 - 1800 North Carolina - Mecklenburg, Montgomery, New
Hanover, Richmond, Rowan, Rutherford, and Wilkes Counties)
Reel 0034 - 1800 North Carolina - Hyde, Martin, Northampton,
Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington
Reel 0038 - 1810 North Carolina -
Anson, Brunswick, Caswell, Currituck, Halifax, Person, Randolph,
Richmond, and Robeson Counties)
Reel 0039 - 1810 North Carolina - Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie,
Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Camden, Carteret, Chatham, Chowan,
and Cumberland Counties)
Reel 0040 - 1810 North Carolina -
Duplin, Edgecombe, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Guilford,
Haywood, Hertford, Hyde, lredell, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, and
Lincoln Counties)
Reel 0041 - 1810 North Carolina - Martin, Montgomery, Moore,
Nash, Onslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans, and Pitt Counties)
Reel 0042 - 1810 North Carolina -
Bladen, Columbus, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Rutherford, Sampson,
and Warren Counties)
Reel 0043 - 1810 North Carolina -
Rockingham, Rowan, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Washington, Wayne,
and Wilkes Counties)
Reel 0080 - 1820 North Carolina -
Anson, Buncombe, Cabarrus, Duplin, Haywood, Iredell, Johnston,
Lenoir, Moore, Onslow, Rutherford, and Washington Counties)
Reel 0081 - 1820 North Carolina -
Ashe, Caswell, Chowan, Perquimans, Richmond, Rowan, and Tyrrell
Reel 0082 - 1820 North Carolina - Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen,
Chatham, Greene, Orange, Person, Pitt, Rockingham, Surry, and
Warren Counties)
Reel 0083 - 1820 North Carolina - Burke, Carteret, Cumberland,
Hyde, Jones, Lincoln, Nash, Wayne, and Wilkes Counties)
Reel 0084 - 1820 North Carolina -
Brunswick, Camden, Columbus, Craven, Edgecombe, Gates,
Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Pasquotank, Robeson, and Stokes
Reel 0085 - 1820 North Carolina - Granville, Guilford, Halifax,
Hertford, Northampton, and Sampson Counties)
Reel 0118 - 1830 North Carolina -
Ashe, Anson, Burke, Buncombe, Brunswick, and Bertie Counties)
Reel 0119 - 1830 North Carolina -
Beaufort, Bladen, Craven, Cabarrus, Currituck, Caswell, Chowan,
Camden, and Chatham Counties)
Reel 0120 - 1830 North Carolina -
Columbus, Cumberland, Carteret, Duplin, Davidson, Edgecombe, and
Franklin Counties)
Reel 0121 - 1830 North Carolina - Granville, Gates, Guilford,
Greene, Hyde, Halifax, Haywood, and Hertford Counties)
Reel 0122 - 1830 North Carolina -
Iredell, Johnston, Jones, Lincoln, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, Martin,
and Moore Counties)
Reel 0123 - 1830 North Carolina -
Macon, Montgomery, Northampton, New Hanover, Nash, Onslow, and
Orange Counties)
Reel 0124 - 1830 North Carolina - Person, Pitt, Perquimans,
Pasquotank, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, and Rutherford
Reel 0125 - 1830 North Carolina -
Randolph, Surry, Sampson, Stokes, Tyrrell, Wilkes, Wake, Wayne,
Washington, and Warren Counties)
Reel 0354 - 1840 North Carolina - Ashe, Anson, Bertie, and
Buncombe Counties)
Reel 0355 - 1840 North Carolina -
Bladen, Brunswick, Beaufort, and Burke Counties)
Reel 0356 - 1840 North Carolina - Cabarrus, Columbus, Carteret,
and Currituck Counties)
Reel 0357 - 1840 North Carolina - Chatham, Chowan, Cherokee, and
Cumberland Counties)
Reel 0358 - 1840 North Carolina -
Camden, Caswell, and Craven Counties)
Reel 0359 - 1840 North Carolina -
Duplin, Davie, and Davidson Counties)
Reel 0360 - 1840 North Carolina -
Edgecombe, Franklin, and Granville Counties)
Reel 0361 - 1840 North Carolina -
Gates, Greene, and Guilford Counties)
Reel 0362 - 1840 North Carolina - Halifax, Hertford, Hyde,
Haywood, and Henderson Counties)
Reel 0363 - 1840 North Carolina -
Iredell, Johnston, and Jones Counties)
Reel 0364 - 1840 North Carolina -
Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, and Moore Counties)
Reel 0365 - 1840 North Carolina -
Montgomery, Mecklenburg, and Martin Counties)
Reel 0366 - 1840 North Carolina - New Hanover, Nash, and
Northampton Counties)
Reel 0367 - 1840 North Carolina - Onslow and Orange Counties)
Reel 0368 - 1840 North Carolina - Person. Pasquotank,
Perquimans, and Pitt Counties)
Reel 0369 - 1840 North Carolina - Rowan, Randolph, and
Rockingham Counties)
Reel 0370 - 1840 North Carolina -
Robeson, Richmond, and Rutherford Counties)
Reel 0371 - 1840 North Carolina - Sampson and Surry Counties)
Reel 0372 - 1840 North Carolina -
Stokes, Tyrell, and Warren Counties)
Reel 0373 - 1840 North Carolina -
Washington and Wilkes Counties)
Reel 0374 - 1840 North Carolina -
Wayne, Wake, and Yancey Counties)