Census Project Index
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Georgia Census 1900

Many of the Webmasters on AHGP, provide census information.  Not transcribed data, like you see on census sites, but data that gives you a idea of where to look for this information.  When you can't find that elusive ancestor, give these pages a try. We do have some actual census pages.


Reel 178 - 1900 Georgia - Appling, Baker, and Baldwin Counties)

Reel 179 - 1900 Georgia - Banks, Barton, and Berrien (part: EDs 4-5 and ED 6, sheets 1-25) Counties)

Reel 180 - 1900 Georgia - Berrien (cont'd: ED 6, sheet 26-end) and Bibb (part: EDs 1-24) Counties)

Reel 181 - 1900 Georgia - Bibb (cont'd: ED 25--end), Brooks, and Bryan Counties)

Reel 182 - 1900 Georgia - Bulloch, Butts, and Burke (part: EDs 5-8 and ED 9, sheets I-2) Counties)

Reel 183 - 1900 Georgia - Burke (cont'd: ED 9, sheet 3-end), Calhoun, Camden, and Campbell (part EDs 1-3 and ED 4, sheets I-4) Counties)

Reel 184 - 1900 Georgia - Campbell (cont'd: ED 4, sheet 5-end), Catoosa, Carroll, and Charlton Counties)

Reel 185 - 1900 Georgia - Chatham County (part: EDs 20-21,135 [Fort Severan], 22-51, and ED 52, sheets 1-5))

Reel 186 - 1900 Georgia - Chatham (cont'd: ED 52, sheet 6-end) and Chattahoochee Counties)

Reel 187 - 1900 Georgia - Chattooga, Cherokee, and Clarke Counties)

Reel 188 - 1900 Georgia - Clay, Clayton, Clinch, and Cobb (part: EDs 29-38 and ED 39, sheets 1-4) Counties)

Reel 189 - 1900 Georgia - Cobb (cont'd: ED 39, sheet 5-end), Coffee, and Colquitt Counties)

Reel 190 - 1900 Georgia - Coweta, Columbia, and Crawford (part: EDs 1-3 and ED 4, sheets 1-19) Counties)

Reel 191 - 1900 Georgia - Crawford (cont'd: ED 4, sheet 20-end) Dade, Dawson, and Decatur Counties) -

Reel 192 - 1900 Georgia - DeKalb, Dodge, and Dooly (part: EDs 86--89 and ED 90, sheet 1) Counties)

Reel 193 - 1900 Georgia - Dooly (cont'd: ED 90, sheet 2--end), Dougherty, and Early Counties)

Reel 194 - 1900 Georgia - Douglas, Echols, Effingham, and Elbert (part: EDs 13-18, and ED 19, sheets 1-22) Counties)

Reel 195 - 1900 Georgia - Elbert (cont'd: ED 19, sheet 23-end) Fayette, Emanuel, and Fannin Counties)

Reel 196 - 1900 Georgia - Floyd County)

Reel 197 - 1900 Georgia - Forsyth, Franklin, and Fulton (part: EDs 27-30, 112 [Fort McPherson], 31-34, and ED 35, sheets 1-13) Counties

Reel 198 - 1900 Georgia - Fulton County (cont'd: ED 35, sheet 14-end, and EDs 107, 36-55))

Reel 199 - 1900 Georgia - Fulton County(cont'd: EDs 56-59, 109, 60-77, 108, and ED 78, sheets 1-8)

Reel 200 - 1900 Georgia - Fulton (cont'd: ED 78, sheet 9-end, and EDs 79, 110, 80-84), Giimer, Glascock, and Glynn Counties)

Reel 201 - 1900 Georgia - Gordon, Greene, and Gwinnett (part: EDs 45-50 and ED 51, sheets 1-5) Counties)

Reel 202 - 1900 Georgia - Gwinnett (cont'd: ED 51, sheet 6-end), Habersham, and Hall Counties)

Reel 203 - 1900 Georgia - Hancock, Haralson, and Harris (part: EDs 27-31 and ED 32, sheets 1-10) Counties)

Reel 204 - 1900 Georgia - Harris (cont'd: ED 32, sheet 11-end), Hart, Heard, and Henry Counties)

Reel 205 - 1900 Georgia - Houston and Irwin Counties)

Reel 206 - 1900 Georgia - Jasper and Jackson Counties)

Reel 207 - 1900 Georgia - Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, and Lee Counties)

Reel 208 - 1900 Georgia - Laurens and Liberty (part: EDs 80--83 and ED 84, sheets 1-14) Counties)

Reel 209 - 1900 Georgia - Liberty (cont'd: ED 84, sheet 15-end), Lincoln, Lumpkin, Lowndes, and McDuffie (part: EDs 37-38 and ED 39, sheets 1-2) Counties)

Reel 210 - 1900 Georgia - McDuffie (cont'd: ED 39, sheet 3-end), McIntosh, Macon, and Madison Counties)

Reel 211 - 1900 Georgia - Marion, Meriwether, and Miller Counties)

Reel 212 - 1900 Georgia - Milton, Mitchell, and Monroe Counties)

Reel 213 - 1900 Georgia - Montgomery, Moran, Murray, and Newton (part: EDs 85--86) Counties)

Reel 214 - 1900 Georgia - Newton (cont'd: ED 87-end) and Muscogee Counties)

Reel 215 - 1900 Georgia - Oconee, Oglethorpe, Pauiding, and Pickens (part: EDs 108--109 and ED 110, sheets 1--8) Counties)

Reel 216 - 1900 Georgia - Pickens (cont'd: ED 110, sheet 9-end) Pierce, Pike, and Polk (part: Eds 80--85 and ED 86, sheets 1-25) Counties)

Reel 217 - 1900 Georgia - Polk (cont'd: ED 86, sheet 26-end), Pulaski, and Putman Counties)

Reel 218 - 1900 Georgia - Quitman, Rabun, Randolph, and Richmond (part: EDs 43-49, 108 [Augusta Arsenal], 50, and ED 51, sheets 1-15) Counties)

Reel 219 - 1900 Georgia - Richmond County (cont'd: ED 51, sheet 16-end))

Reel 220 - 1900 Georgia - Rockdale, Schley, Screven, and Spalding (part: EDs 88--92 and ED 93, sheets 1-4) Counties)

Reel 221 - 1900 Georgia - Spalding (cont'd: ED 93, sheet 5--end), Stewart, and Sumter (part: EDs 56-65 and ED 66, sheets 1-6) Counties)

Reel 222 - 1900 Georgia - Sumter (cont'd: ED 66, sheet 7-end) Talbot, and Tattnall Counties)

Reel 223 - 1900 Georgia - Taliafferro, Taylor Telfair, and Terrell (part: EDs 75-81 and ED 82, sheets 1-23) Counties)

Reel 224 - 1900 Georgia - Terrell (cont'd: ED 82, sheet 24-end), Towns, Twiggs, and Thomas Counties)

Reel 225 - 1900 Georgia - Troup and Union Counties)

Reel 226 - 1900 Georgia - Upson, Walker, and Walton (part: EDs 97-102 and ED 103, sheets 1-29) Counties)

Reel 227 - 1900 Georgia - Walton (cont'd: ED 103, sheet 30-end), Ware, Warren, Wayne, and Webster Counties) -

Reel 228 - 1900 Georgia - Washington, White, and Whitfield (part: EDs 101-102 and ED 103, sheets 1-9) Counties)

Reel 229 - 1900 Georgia - Whitfield (cont'd: ED 103, sheet 10-end) Wilcox, and Wilkes Counties)

Reel 230 - 1900 Georgia - Wilkinson and Worth Counties)


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