Historical Homes and Buildings

Kennedy House
 (added 1978 - Building - #78000489)
300 Kirkland St., Abbeville
 Historic Significance:  Architecture/Engineering
Architect, builder, or engineer:  Unknown
Architectural Style:  Other
Area of Significance:  Architecture
Period of Significance:  1850-1874
Owner:  Local Gov't
Historic Function:  Domestic
Historic Sub-function:  Single Dwelling
Current Function:  Unknown  

Oates House
(added 1989 - Building - #89000164)
Also known as Shoemaker House
402 Kirkland St., Abbeville
 Historic Significance:  Architecture/Engineering
Architect, builder, or engineer:  Unknown
Architectural Style:  Classical Revival
Area of Significance:  Architecture
Period of Significance:  1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner:  Private
Historic Function:  Domestic
Historic Sub-function:  Single Dwelling
Current Function:  Vacant/Not In Use

Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Depot
(added 1980 - Building - #80000687)
Broad St., Headland
 Historic Significance:  Architecture/Engineering, Event
Architect, builder, or engineer:  Abbeville Southern Railway Co.
Architectural Style:  No Style Listed
Area of Significance:  Transportation, Architecture
Period of Significance:  1875-1899, 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Owner:  Private
Historic Function:  Commerce/Trade, Transportation
Historic Sub-function:  Rail-Related
Current Function:  Vacant/Not In Use


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